A Small Chit Chat With Puri Jagganath 0

Media Club Member | 7:25 PM | , ,

Puri said, “I’ve recently met Amitabh Bachchan and narrated a story to him. He was impressed with my narration and immediately gave his nod. So we are planning to take the film on sets very soon. Infact, I wanted to direct ‘Pokiri’ in Hindi with Abhishek Bachchan long ago. But that could not happen because Abhishek did not like the storyline of ‘Pokiri’.”

Further speaking,
“My stories are generally liked by people all over India. That is why ‘Pokiri’ was successful in Telugu, Tamil and now in Hindi too. I am now looking forward to direct a film in English with Indian and Hollywood actors. But this might happen only when I get a good producer because
the budget cost of that film would be around Rs 100 crores.”

When asked about the sequel to ‘Pokiri’ he answered, “I have no plans to make a sequel for ‘Pokiri’ but planning a fresh subject with Mahesh Babu which will kick off sometime in 2010” and the movie name is "Awara"

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