Avatar Movie Review 0

Media Club Member | 4:13 AM | ,

Movie : Avatar
Rating: 4.5/5
Cast : Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and others
Directed by : James Cameron
Produced by : Colin Wilson
Banner : Twentieth Century Fox
Music : James Horner
Release Date : 2009-12-18

12 years after Titanic, Director James Cameron delivers his latest master piece and once again takes cinema to the next level.


The story takes place in the year 2154. Scientists discover a planet named as Pandoro which was inhabited by a race called as Na'vi, a blue-skinned, golden-eyed, 10 feet tall slender giants. Even, the atmosphere is not breathable by humans. Pandora is rich in minerals, which Earth desperately needs.

So, The Army sets a mission to attack the race on Pandora and conquer it. Jake Scully who lost his legs in a war will be recruited because he's a genetic match for a dead identical twin, who an expensive avatar was created for. In avatar state he can walk again, and as his payment for this mission he will be given a very expensive operation to get back his legs. As Jake Scully is a human he will be tranformed into a remotely controlled biological body which is genetically engineered hybrid of human DNA and DNA from the Pandora natives. Jake Scully is sent to Pandora to learn their ways so that he can help relocate them and the humans can take over. Does Jake Scully completes the mission successfully or not forms the rest of the tale.

Plus Points:
Visual Effects
Performances by the Artists
Hero's Hair Style(changed with every time shift in the movie and looked completely natural)

Minus Points:
Story(Old fashioned tale)

Technical Departments:

Cinematography is of top notch. Production values of the film are grand. Director by James Cameron is extrodinary. The visual effects in the film are brilliant.


Director James Cameron truly created a world of his own, which makes you feel as if you've been transported into a new world while watching the film. Once again, he has silenced the critics by delivering an extraordinary film. Avatar takes us to the planet's boundless, breathtaking collection of natural and unnatural wonders which are presented in the most realistic and immersive 3-D ever witnessed on film. Though the director came up with a lot of original ideas for this film, but the story was not one of them. Overall, Avatar delivers an anti-war message.

Verdict: Avatar is truly a master piece of filmmaking, a step ahead in visual effects that sets new standards. A must-watch film.

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