Young Tiger NTR Hurted at Shakti Shooting Spot. 0

Media Club Member | 4:54 AM | , ,

We all known that NTR shooting for the film ‘Shakti’ at Kulu Manali which was his favourite hill station.Recent news that NTR lost his balance and slipped on a rock at Manali by hearing this Aswini Dutt had a skip in his heart beat .He was immediately rushed to the hospital nearby. The anxious film unit waited for the message about his welfare before venturing onto anything next. He is now well and is ready to shoot.

Incidentally NTR’s this incidence is not the first as he is observed to be a bit accident prone as has been noticed in different occasions, the most recent being his accident during elections. This will certainly worry not only the producer but also the unit members including the director Meher Ramesh. Everybody hopes that NTR will now be cautious and help in continuing the shooting which already got disrupted due to some heavy rains in Ladakh region.

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